Course Contents
A blockchain is “a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called blocks.” These blocks “are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.
Introduction to Bitcoin, Blockchain & Networking fundamentals
Blockchain in general
How to set up ETHEREUM Private Blockchain using GETH
Integrating Blockchain with front end: End-to-End DAPP development
Using blockchain in your business
Why Blockchain?
Blockchain is a technological revolution. It is a linked-list data structure of blocks of transactions stored in a decentralised P2P (peer- to-peer) network. It is the underlying technology for bitcoin, a crypto currency which is also
famous as internet’s native currency. In recent future, a lot of organisations shall be adopting Blockchain for trading/integrating in their products publicly. Apart from bitcoin, it can also be used for a wide variety of applications
such as provenance, tracking ownership, digital assets, physical assets, and voting rights. It can also store and run computer code called ‘smart contracts’. However, blockchain is still new and the communities are still exploring
the best ways in which it can be used.
Course Summary
This one day session shall make you understand the concept of Blockchain. The course will provide an overview of the structure and mechanism of blockchain. As a business leader, you will be learning how transactions takes place on blockchain, & history
of Bitcoin. Furthermore, you will be taught about the Ethereum platform and its programming language called Solidity. You will understand about the private blockchain environment using Ethereum. Also, you will see me developing a smart
contract on private Ethereum blockchain and will be deployed using the tools available like Remix. The course is fed with various use-cases and examples, which makes the learning more interesting.
Target Audience
Anyone having zeal to learn new technology can take up the course. Senior folks who should know how the next generation technology is shaping up today and how can it be leveraged to make the system more robust.
This course expects you to be passionate learner who wish to understand all the moving parts of the technology which the whole world is going gaga about. All we require that you should have the passion to deep-dive into the cutting edge technology

JOB Oriented Training
Interview questions
Interview tips
Resume preparation tips