Java Full Stack
Full Stack Development with Java (Level 1)
Course Contents
This specialization is designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of Java programming and its application in building web applications.
Java Standard Edition (JSE)
Java Enterprise Edition (JEE)
Java Standard Edition (JSE)
Section Goals
- Learn the core Java skills needed to apply for Java developer positions
- Be able to demonstrate your understanding of Java to future employers
- Learn industry “best practices” in Java software development
- Be able to target the Oracle Java Certificate exam if you choose.
- Introduction to Java
- History and Versions of Java
- Java Compiler and JVM
- Java Installation
- Variables
- Datatypes
- Operators
- Control Statements and Looping structures
- Arrays
- Introduction to OOPS
‘static’ keyword
- Static blocks
- Static Variables
- Static Methods
‘final’ keyword
- final variables
- final methods
- final classes
- Default Constructors
- Parameterized Constructors
- Constructor Overloading
- String class
- StringBuffer class
- StringBuilder Class
OOPS In detail
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic Binding
- Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- java.lang.Object class
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- static methods in interfaces (New in Java 8)
- default methods in interfaces (New in Java 8)
- Packages and Access Specifiers
- Exception Handling
- Wrapper Classes
- Auto-Boxing and Auto-Unboxing
- Java.Util Package (Collections and Generics)
- Functional Interfaces (New in Java 8)
- Lambda Expressions (New in Java 8)
- Streaming collections (New in Java 8)
- Threads and Synchronization
- Basic Problem Solving using all the above concepts
- Prep
- Q & A
Java Enterprise Edition (JEE)
Section Goals
- Set up your JSP/Servlet development environment with Tomcat and Eclipse
- Read HTML form data with JSP and Servlets
- Explore JSP scripting elements: Expressions, Scriptlets and Declarations
- Manage application state with Sessions to track unique user actions
- Leverage Cookies to personalize a web site for a specific user
- Integrate the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) to minimize scriptlet code
- Add database support with JDBC: query, insert, update and delete
- Build a complete database web app with JDBC
- Build a fully functioning JSP and Servlets web application from scratch
Section Contents
Java Database Connectivity
Installing the MySQL Database
Basics of SQL
- Data Types in SQL
- Creating tables in database
- Inserting Data into tables
- Updating Data in tables
- Deleting Data from tables
- Modifying Tables: Adding and Removing Columns
- Deleting Tables
- Truncating Tables
- Integrity Constraints
- Connecting your Java program to Database
- Insert/Update/Delete data in Database from your java program using –
- Connection
- Driver
- Statement
- PreparedStatement
- CallableStatement
- ResultSet
HTML Forms Overview
- Drop-Down Lists, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes
- CSS Stylesheets
- Introducing Bootstrap for styling your pages
- Introducing JavaScript for client-side validations
Servlet API
- Introducing client-server architecture
- Fundamentals of HTTP
- Methods of HTTP – GET vs POST
- Introducing Tomcat Web Server
- Reading Servlet Parameters
Java Server Pages
- JSP Hello World
- JSP Expressions
- JSP Scriptlets
- JSP Declarations JSP Built-In Objects
- Including Files in JSP
- What are Design Patterns?
- Understanding Web Application using MVC Design Pattern
- What are Frameworks?
- Introducing Webservices

JOB Oriented Training
Interview questions
Interview tips
Resume preparation tips