Python is a dynamic, interpreted (bytecode-compiled) language.
Course Contents
Python is a dynamic, interpreted (bytecode-compiled) language. There are no type declarations of variables, parameters, functions, or methods in source code. This makes the code short and flexible, and you lose the compile-time type checking of the source code
Core Python
Advanced Python
Core Python
- Introduction
- Python Overview
- Features of Python
- Python Environmet Setup
- How to use the Interpreter
- Introduction to Eclipse & PyCharm
- Code execution and syntax
- How Interpretation works
- Executing Python commands from command line
- Know about .pyc, .pyo files
- Python syntax
- Comments in python
- About indentation
- Python Basics
- Python Data Types – int, float, decimal
- Python Strings
- Operators
- Arithmetic
- Relational
- Logical
- Assignment
- Bitwise
- Control Flows
- Conditionals
- If
- If-else
- If-elif
- Looping Statements
- While
- For
- Break and Continue
- pass
- Conditionals
- Data Structures
- Tuple
- List
- List comprehension
- Dictionaries
- Collections
- Set()
- Dict()
- Defaultdict()
- Tuple
- Python Built in functions
- Range() and xrange()
- Int()
- Float()
- Str()
- Id()
- Type()
- None
- Len()
- Dir()
- __str__()
- __name__
- Some other functions
- Standard libraries
- ⇒OS
- ⇒SYS
- ⇒CSV
- ⇒Datetime
- ⇒Time
- ⇒Some other standard libraries during examples
- Functions
- ⇒Defining functions
- ⇒Function calling
- ⇒Positional arguments
- ⇒Keyword arguments
- ⇒Default arguments
- ⇒Return statement in functions
- ⇒Call-by-value
- ⇒Call-by-reference
- Iterators and Generators
- File operations
- ⇒Reading a file
- ⇒Writing a file
- ⇒Different modes in file operations
Advanced Python
- Modules and Namespaces
- ⇒Import statements
- ⇒Multiple ways of importing
- ⇒Python project directory structure
- ⇒Packages
- ⇒ significance
- ⇒Locals() and globals()
- Errors & Exceptions
- ⇒Try – except
- ⇒Finally
- ⇒About custom exceptions
- Functional programming
- ⇒Lamda expressions
- ⇒Map()
- ⇒Reduce()
- Object Oriented Python Programming
- ⇒Introduction to OOP’s concepts
- ⇒Polymorphism
- ⇒Inheritance
- ⇒Encapsulation
- ⇒Abstraction
- ⇒Method overloading
- ⇒Method overriding
- ⇒Class methods
- Python Classes
- ⇒Naming classes in python – rules & pep guidelines
- ⇒Constructors – __init__
- ⇒Writing classes & syntax
- ⇒Class variables
- ⇒Instance Variables
- ⇒Multiple inheritance
- ⇒Python Objects
- ⇒More examples
- Data Analysis – Introduction
- ⇒Understanding what is Data Analysis
- ⇒Numpy
- ⇒Pandas
- ⇒Matplotlib
- Serialization
- ⇒Pickle
- ⇒Unpickle

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Interview tips
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