ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform that provides IT service management and automates general business processes.
Course Contents
Our ServiceNow Training course aims to deliver quality training that covers solid fundamental knowledge on core concepts with a practical approach.
- Overview of Service-now
- History of the tool
- Architecture of the tool
- ITIL Basic
- SAAS Basic
- Key Applications & basic customisations:
- Different types of users in SNOW
- Understanding difference between client script and business rule
- g_form concept
- get and set values.
- Making a field readonly, mandatory, visible
- Concept of UI Policy
- Designing UI policy and client script
- Difference between UI policy and client script
- Gliderecord understanding.
- Table hierarchy
- Sys id concept
- Understanding business rule
- Glidesystem,
- Understanding display business rule
- Debug business rule(addInfoMessage and logs)
- Script includes-Glideajax
- Async and sync difference
- Notification
- Events and queue
- Email templates
- Sent/outbox
- Received/inbox
- Inbound email actions
- Dot walking concept
- Number maintenance
- List of records
- Update set(creating and migrating)
- Understanding XML concepts
- UI Macro
- HTML concept
- UI Page
- Using UI page in a service Catalog.
- Container concept in service catalog.
- Knowledge base
- UI action
- Table creation and extension
- homepage
- OOB fields and “u_” concept
- Display field concept
- Schedule and business day concept
- Workflow
- Survey
- Data source
- Transform map
- Coalesce concept
- Localization concept
- Enable plugins
- Web service
- Scripted web service
- Data Policy
- Difference between Data and UI policy
- Debuggers
- Delegate
- Views
- Relationships
- Schedule
- background script
- report and database view
- Record producer
- Order guide
- Jelly
- REST web service
- Cloning
- Resource management
- Ldap
- Application and modules

JOB Oriented Training
Interview questions
Interview tips
Resume preparation tips